Saturday, August 10, 2013

25th Day... Good-bye Teacher's Desk and a Giveaway!

I'm cheating a little bit because I am using some old photos. And to those of you who blog every day: I am in AWE of you! What was I thinking when I promised an August full of posts? I'm already worried that I am running out of things to say!

Nevertheless, here is today's commentary...

For the past few several years, I have had between 32 and 37 kids (I may have had 38 students for a short stint one year, but I think I have blocked that time frame from my memory!)

Some sixth graders are pretty tall, but tall or not-so-tall, they just take up a lot of SPACE! My room is rather small and most of the space is filled with student desks!

At one point, I had to make a decision: Keep the teacher's desk or keep an open area where we could sit on the carpet.

Open space won out! It's not a lot of open space, mind you, but some kids prefer to sit on the floor to see the Promethean Board and we usually have a group or two working on the floor at some point during each day.

When I decided to let go of my teacher's desk, I also gave up some storage along with the drawers for the items that all teachers need: Sharpies, tape, scissors, stapler, etc. Although there are drawers built into the wall, it was disconcerting to have my back to the room--even when students were not present.

I already had a "kidney table" for guided reading and I knew that this space would now have to do double duty. Although this poor table is at least twenty years old, and it wiggles and it squeaks if  nudged even slightly, it is the best that I've got, so I had to make do. (I had already spent the previous four years trying to get enough desks and chairs that (almost) match, so I knew getting a new table was not a possibility.) And this year, I hope to add stools instead of chairs to add some color and a little pizzazz!

While shopping at Office Depot (my home away from home/school/Starbucks), I found a tray and some matching pencil cans... I added my supplies and some purple sparkles, and the rest is history!

Now I have everything I need right in front of me when I am working at the table. And when it is time for guided reading or another group needs a place to work, the tray is moved to the space behind the table--which remains my motivation for keeping that area free from debris!

It takes some training each year to help the kids realize that visible issn't the same thing as available. These remain my supplies, not part of the communal materials that are shared without permission. I did meet them halfway by setting up pencil cups with other pens/markers/highlighters for students to use when they are away from their desks--and they have their own supplies at their tables (although, admittedly, not as pretty as mine!)

I am quite glad I said good-bye to my teacher's desk. I don't even miss it! With so little area in the room, it has all become shared space, and we kept our carpeted area and gained a little breathing room. Throughout the day, we change seats often, making this table available as one more option where we can sit and learn together.

What about you? Is your room spacious or is it crowded with kids and furniture? Do you still have a teacher's desk?


There is a FAB.U.LOUS giveaway going on at Lessons from the Middle. You have GOT to scroll down and see what's in store (There's Starbucks involved...) WooHoo! It's so easy to enter!


I am so happy to be a part of this fantastic giveaway hosted by Krystal, from Lessons From The Middle, to celebrate Back to School. 

There are over $400 worth of prizes to be won including... 

  • Multiple TPT shopping sprees in sellers' stores to help you get all stocked up for a new school year   
  • $10 Starbucks gift certificate to get the year started out RIGHT
  • $75 gift certificate at WiseDecor to make your classroom even more inviting for your students with beautiful wall decals  
  • $25 gift certificate at Black Rafter Soap Works to pamper yourself a little bit after the first big week back 
  • Cool Duo Binders to get you organized easily  
  • An awesome tote from Thirty-One - who doesn't love a new bag?  
There are FOUR Prize Packages to be won! 

Make sure to enter to win each of the prize packages.
They're all fantastic and you don't want to miss out!  
This giveaway runs August 10th-14th. Good luck! 

Prize Package #1 a Rafflecopter giveaway Prize Package #2 a Rafflecopter giveaway Prize Package #3 a Rafflecopter giveaway Prize Package #4 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck to everyone who enters!


  1. I am thinking of turning my desk into a Science Exploration area... I just have to be brave. Last summer I made the Teacher's Toolbox.
    Btw.... We never run out of things to say do we? Lol


    1. I love the idea of a Science Exploration area, Debbie! (Be brave! You can do it!)

  2. I love the super organize tote. It's big enough to carry all my teacher stuff.

    1. Yep, I love it too! And I always seem to have a lot of teacher stuff too!

  3. I also got rid of my teacher's desk! I haven't missed it at all!

    I also get "writer's block"...I wish I could post daily, but I don't think I have that much to say! Haha!

    1. YAY, Lana! I'm thinking if I post every day in August, I will have said all I have to say for a lonnnng time!

  4. KIm~ I think the stars are totally aligning this month! I JUST got rid of my teacher desk in June when school was finished and begged and pleaded with my Principal for a table like the one in your picture. I'm 90% sure I got one. I was going to blog about it when we can get back in the building.
    Great minds girl.... great minds!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

    1. YAY, Michele! It seats six (if we squish!) which covers most of my groups. When I had the table AND the desk, we could barely walk around!

  5. So brave of you! I have my desk still, but only use it for when I need a private moment with paperwork. I rarely sit at it during the day. Yesterday, one of my fidgety students used it. You have counters! I am so jealous:).

    1. That little counter is wonderful because the phone is there... and sometimes I hide a pile of papers so I look organized!

  6. A kidney table? I'm sooooo proud of you!


    1. Oh, don't you just know I wish it had a different name... Like croissant, maybe?

  7. I've noticed a lot of teachers getting rid of their teacher's desks lately. I'm not quite brave enough to do so yet. I might even freak out my co-workers because they are rather "traditional." Hmmm...the extra space would be super nice!

    1. It made a huge difference because we were so squished... The custodian took it out for me when no one was paying attention... I was lucky!

  8. I got rid of my teacher's desk this year, too! I begged for 6 years in my old district to get rid of it, but by contract, we had to have one. In my new district, we do not have to have one. I was using my teacher's desk as a writing center for the kids, but I will not miss having this HUGE piece of furniture in my classroom! :o) Good luck!


    1. That is so frustrating (that you had to have one, even when you didn't want one). My experience with teacher desks is that they are metal and huge! At least you transformed yours into a writing center!

  9. I was thinking of making my desk very small since our room is small. But now I am thinking about a round table since I can work with those that are a little behind. hmmm

  10. Grace, I would love a round table! If you can get one, go for it!

  11. i need that tray! (I don't have a desk either!) Where did you get it? I like how big it is...


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