Monday, April 2, 2012

April Currently

I always love to see a post from Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade listed on my blog roll. But when the title includes the word, "Currently," my heart does a little happy dance. Here is April's Currently... and the best part of this activity is the chance to link back to Farley's and read what's happening in everyone else's lives...

So that's a peek into my life at this moment in time. Time to link back to Oh Boy Fourth Grade. Why not check in with Farley while you're there? She's got an ADORABLE picture of Drew to tickle you and her posts are filled with great ideas and hysterical commentary. This time she's even got a giveaway! Scroll along and read a few just for fun. See you there!


  1. Gotta love Spring Break! I'm needing to schedule time, too, but it just hasn't happened.
    Fun in Room 4B

  2. A personal Starbucks barista would be AMAZING!!!!! If I want to stay in my pjs all day (and I do often), I just brew my coffee at home and get a delicious creamer. I am seriously addicted to International Delight's Cinnabon creamer. It says its only for a limited time. I really hope that's not true.
    Your super power is perfect!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. Hello-

    My name is Jenny Choi and I work at Learning Resources- a hands on educational materials company for both the classroom and home.

    We have a simple technology line that helps make technology accessible for every student, teacher and classroom. All of our new simple technology products are easy to use and very affordable. One of our top simple tech product is HearALL Assessment Recorder. Would you be interested in reviewing this product for us on your blog? You can also do a giveaway on the same product if you are interested.

    Here is the direct link to the product page on our website:

    Thank you for your time.


  4. Happy Spring Break!

    I already miss my pjs! Lol :) I blogged a lot last week. Like, as in I didn't do much hahaha!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  5. I hear you on needing to schedule out school work. I seriously will just keep bouncing from blog to blog if I don't make myself get off of here.

    Teaching in Room 6

  6. I am on Spring Break too! It's hard to motivate yourself when you can just stay in your PJ's all day! I got all of my "housework and yardwork" done today so I can enjoy the rest of the week! :)

  7. You just have to share your barista with me;)) I need to link up but can't decide on a super power.....hmmmmm....what to do??? I posted an ending to my story just for you are in the title of the post.....;))

    4th Grade Frolics

  8. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Just popping over to your blog! I will be on spring break in a few days! I, too, am addicted to The Hunger Games. I did not look at any media before the movie and I have been engrossed with websites since Sat. I found a website - TheKatnissChronciles. I will be listening to that with my husband since he is not a big reader but loves to listen to things. The addiction continues... LOL

  9. love your "needing" to the state test really this close upon us??eekkkkks

  10. I am jealous of everyone that is on spring break...we get the third week in April off. I am home with strep throat...I can thank one of my students. (I have not had it since I was a kid)We also go to school on Good Friday. Your "Needing" made me laugh out loud!

  11. I hope you have enjoyed your spring break. A little R & R is SO nice!

    I found your blog through Farley's linky party. I am a new follower.

    Come visit my blog when you get a chance.



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