If I type really quickly, I can post this before it is actually April Fool's Day. Oddly, if I don't finish by midnight, then you might think I am fooling. And then I would have to post on April SECOND. Or... I could have written random, peculiar responses and then typed "April Fools" at the bottom. Nah... Too cheesy. I'm going to go with the real deal...
I really do have to type quickly because Farley posted this on the eve of April, and believe it or, it is not YET April and there are already eighty-eight link-ups! Twenty minutes ago, there were only seventy-one link ups. I just want to be in the first hundred. In April I think I was in the THREE hundred group. And I was LAST! Goodness that Farley can draw a crowd! Type faster, Kim!
When I walked into the house, there was an oboe concerto on TV. I'm funny about classical music. Some times, some days, some pieces... I adore this type of music. Other days, I want to cover my ears and run from the room screaming. The music tonight was quite lovely and I enjoyed it--although I never did guess the composer. There was an oboe in Peter and the Wolf--the duck, I believe. Fortunately, Peter, the duck and Prokofiev have left the oboe in good light.
I am loving that it is Spring Break. I normally get up very early on school days (usually to finish prepping for the day.) Vacations remind me that I could be a night owl if I didn't have to get up at 4am. It is a JOY to get up when I want to, rather than being summoned by the alarm clock. {happy sigh} I have lots that I want to accomplish this week--I just want to work at my own pace, with plenty of naps and Starbucks and a little ice cream thrown in!
I think I am going to need all of the sleep I can get because we are going to be in Test Prep Mania when we return to school. We are more-than-a-little behind this year. I think by slowing down, I taught things more effectively (although not always as efficiently as I would have liked!). But that comes at a cost; we will be scrambling to teach the remaining concepts before the test date arrives. I wonder if this will change when the test changes to match CCSS? Somehow I think testing is testing...
On that same note, I really need to feel okay about the progress we have made. My friend Barbara at the Corner on Character has really taught me the importance of looking at kids individually as well as collectively. We have grown as a group--in some very awesome ways that will never show up on any test. And many of the students have grown individually as well (also in ways that will not be test-apparent). And a few have gotten pretty good at algebra, have read lots of books, and have learned the importance of Mesopotamia in the development world civilizations along the way. But they have made the most growth in learning together. Despite the struggles, I want to look back and be happy that we spent a year together. In September, I didn't know if that was possible. Now I am beginning to see, with this group especially, that "learning" truly comes in many variations...
Hmmmmm. Now for advice for bloggers.... I mentioned Barbara above. She is a bloggyfriend that has become an in-real-life friend too. Blogging can do that. It can connect you up with people that begin to understand you and your way of teaching and your way of thinking. I am so BLESSED to have several of those bloggypals. Yesterday and the day before, my buddies left me the nicest comments on my blog. I practically cried feeling so lucky and so... friend-ful! (Thanks, Sweet Comment-Leavers!) So, if you're a blogger, keep at it! (And I am promising to do better at leaving comments on your blogs too.) So, if you aren't a blogger, consider starting to blog. Blogging does many things--not the least of which is building connections.
And I think my pal Farley knows that better than anyone. She has established an International Connection System that is nearing a thousand participants! Amazing, isn't it? So link back to the Currently party by clicking on the button below. I still have twenty minutes before the clock declares a new month. Remember to leave some love for those who are listed before and after you. And then, be brave! Pick out a few random folks you've never met before. Choose by grade level, or bloggy button, or just by the sound of their name. Make a connection. I know Farley would smile at you and share her advice, "Be you and Be true."
UPDATE: Phew! That was a close one! I came in at #92. I finally broke a hundred! And my post isn't dated April 1st!

Sunday, March 31, 2013
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I'm in spring break mode too! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteWo-hoo!! You made the top 100! Just in time.
ReplyDeleteThere is something magical about no alarm. We have just started Easter holidays and there is a great satisfaction to get up on your own will. Enjoy it before... the test.
Daydreams with Miss D
Kim! Nice typing skills!! I hope you are currently still in bed enjoying being able to sleep in some on your Spring break. I am laying here, blogging and listening to my bulldog snore... ahh, the little things!
Enjoy your Spring Break! I know that we all need this break before going into Testing MODE! Blah.. April is so busy with that.
Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans
Congrats on making it in the top 100. I thought about checking last night but watched t.v. instead and by the time I posted this morning I was #123 and that is only because I have today off!! I like your advice - people leaving comments and making connections does make it easier to keep blogging.
ReplyDeleteLooking From Third to Fourth
Okay, your post made me smile :) Isn't it funny how we all hope that we can get enough of a jump that we land towards the top? Farley's Currently is the place to be these days :) I've gotten to where I go through and look at probably two or three dozen of them. They always make me smile and I get good ideas for music, tv, and movies :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with testing! Wish none of us had to do it. I know we make sure we cover all the standards by "The Test" and after that it is tough to get the kids to focus because even if you don't tell them, they realize you've taught them everything.
Enjoy Spring Break! I'm on Spring Break, too.
Yay! You are in the Top 100! That's an accomplishment! I was rushing to get mine done, too, so reading this made me smile. :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your break...we are back to school today to make up for snow days. :( Boo!
New Follower,
Read with Me ABC
I hope you have a wonderful,coffee filled, relaxing spring break. We are 9 teaching days away for our TEST and it's a little stressful:/ Enjoy my friend, you deserve it!!! Hugs!
ReplyDelete4th Grade Frolics
Wow - an oboe concert! I played the oboe in middle school - but quit (much to the pleasure of my family!) to pursue theater.
ReplyDeleteWe are prepping for THE test this week too - while it's not the most fun thing, it is necessary and I am determined the make the best of it!
Joy in the Journey
How was the oboe??? I wouldn't know one if I heard one, I don't think.
ReplyDeleteI love your advice. Love it.
And I'm so happy that I can call you a bloggy friend. You are SPECIAL, Kim!!!!!!!!! And you have touched so many lives -- God is smiling down on you!!
Ditto to what Kristin said ... some bloggy buds actually drive to meet ups and then learn how to SKYPE so they can meet yet another blogger ... and they're there to support each other and they're SO generous! Thanks for the shout out and ... for being so awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! I am enjoying my spring break and nervous that once we get back there are only 3 weeks until testing!!! YIKES.
Come and check out my current Currently!
Fancy Free in Fourth
I'm verrry happy, alright downright ecstatic, to be on Spring Break this week. We will have five weeks left once we return to prepare. Thankfully all standards have been covered, so we are in straight up review mode! But I totally agree - testing is testing.....
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing the way Farley's Currently links grow so quickly! I happened to be up a little after midnight and posted 1:00 AM on the dot....Eastern Standard Time...I'm #83!
Enjoy your Spring Break!
Surviving Sixth Grade
You know Kim, I used to teach 6th. grade too. I've aways taught they are quite special. The best thing that I learned was that eventhough they think they are all grown up, they still enjoy little kids activities once in a while :)
Sweet Blessings & Learning Treats
Hope you had a fantastic break!
Mrs. Allen's 5th Grade Files