Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Make Up Homework: Part 1

When I graduated from college (shortly after the reign of the dinosaurs), I didn't finish my thank you notes. That knowledge has haunted me for close to forty years--to the extent that I have often considered trying to find the unfinished pile to complete the task (And the fact that locating those notes is even a possibility makes it obvious why there is a "Clutter-free Classroom" button on my sidebar!) Now I have left some blog-tasks unfinished for far too long. So today is the day.  I will start finishing my homework and turning it all in.

Awards... Awards are a funny thing.  As I mentioned before in one of those "revealing" posts about "Twenty-Three Things You'd Never Guess About Me" (or something close to that!), I generally shy away from recognition. I am much better at gift giving than receiving. So it is with Awards. I am just learning to be a Blogger, but I have had sweet, wonderful people recognize my efforts.
So, I had two choices: Be secretly delighted or be publicly thankful. Had I not waited so long, I would have just sent a nice note to the givers and gone on with life.  But now my tardiness seems to warrant a more outward recognition. Besides, I have a chance to post cute little buttons all in a row and say a GIANT thank you to those who found something they enjoyed on my blog. AND, it's a chance to ask my BlogPals to check out some new places.

I would also like to add: While I was having my "BlogStruggle," I was feeling like I didn't have enough to share with the blogging community.  In a rare moment of bravery, I chose to share my concerns in a post. Truth: I spent the next few days crying over the sweet responses. Your support REALLY did make a difference. Truly... Thank you.

(It is a strange feeling to have something happen at school and think to myself: Hey! I could write about that! I'm excited about blogging again).

The Liebster Award.
This award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers and passed from Blogger to Blogger to highlight up and coming awards.  Liebe is the German word for love, so this award has a special meaning for those just starting out. Guidelines for this award are as follows:1) Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog 2) Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you 3) Copy and paste the blog award on your blog 4) Present the Liebster Blog Award to blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and 5) Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

I was lucky enough to be awarded the Liebster Award...

by Cortney at Once Upon a Substitute

Once Upon a Substitute...

by Lauren at Life in Middle School

and by Misty at think Wonder and Teach

and by Ms D at A Superlative Six

These are all wonderful blogs. Click on the button and take a peek!

And here are some new blogs for you to check out as well... They are now recipients of the Liebster Award!

First up is a brand new blog: Teaching Living History. She's so new, she has only one follower--and that would be me.  Why now show her some Bloggy love and stop by...
Next up is a Teacher's Looking Glass.  Sam is also just starting out (She doesn't have a button yet either), and her most recent post has some great solar system ideas! Take a peek! 
Then there is Piece of Cupcake Life. Melissa also awarded me the Lovely Blog Award--which just shows how blogs link together! There is a lot of fun stuff going on on that site. You may recognize her from the mega-wedding contest...

Finally, Over-Caffeinated and Optimistic. This blogger is a consistent poster--yet, at last check, she only had 14 followers. I think you're going to like what you see and decide to follow her too!


The Top 10 Blog Award
I was also blessed to be awarded the Top Ten Blog Award. I really was secretly tickled about this one. It was a huge reassurance to receive this award when I was feeling so uncertain.

In the middle of my Blogging Meltdown, these sweet BlogFriends sent over an extra dose of kindness and it really did help me get back on track.  I want you to know your caring spirit rates a Top 10 in my book!

I was blessed to receive the Top 10 Award from:

Staci at Going Nutty

Elizabeth at Fun in 4B

Chrissy B at Buzzing with Ms. B.

Buzzing with Ms. B Button

Lessons with Laughter

Melissa at Piece of Cupcake Life

There are all great blogs... Click on over and check out what they are posting today...

The Lovely Blog Award
Isn't the Lovely Blog Award so precious? I just love those sweet pink flowers. To the sweet BlogFriends who recognized my blog with this treasure, I recognize YOUR loveliness to and return the award with a huge CyberHug!

I was so touched to receive this flowered treasure from:

Emmy at Daydreams of a Student Teacher

Mor at A Teacher's Treasure

Michelle at Apples and ABCs

and Tara at 4th Grade Frolics

The Versatile Blogger Award

Lisa at A Teacher's Bag of Tricks gave me the Versatile Blogger Award and I never thanked her formally. Thanks, Lisa for the honor!

teachers bag of tricks

And One More
If you don't know My Dear Sweet Buddy Barbara from Corner on Character, it's time you introduced yourself.

If you read Corner on Character, you know why I stop there each morning for a daily dose of inspiration.  Barbara awarded me the Favorite Follower award., but I think I should be awarding her a favorite FollowED award. So, Barbara, I award this award right back to you.

So there you have it. PLEASE don't think of this as a "Look at Me" post because it's not. I am, however, excited to express my gratitude and celebrate all of the bloggers that are "pictured."

Best of all,  I think my mom is looking down from Heaven with a smile because I got SOMETHING done! She was always reminding me about the importance of thank you notes...

One more make-up post tomorrow and I'm in the clear!

Until then, I wish you JOY!



  1. Ummm, would you want to write some thank you cards for me too? Thought I was the only one with that dirty little secret! Have a great day!

  2. You are too sweet. Playing along with these fun awards can get pretty overwhelming sometimes. You are wonderful and deserve all of these awards & recognition!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  3. Ooooo, what a GREAT post. That must have taken you FoReVeR!! First about the Thank You notes . . . I always given out blank notes at my trainings and give my participants 5 minutes while soft music plays to write a note that they're owing, to a character mentor or for a gift they received (no statue of limitations!) Gets them to thinking about carrying a blank note with them and teaching their students to do the same. So - come to my next training (Puerto Rico, March 27!!!) and you can get one. (Wishful thinking . . . )

    Second, thank YOU for your kind words and for the lead on some new blogs. I'm going to head over to check them out right now, as soon as I polish off my first cup-o-java.

    Have a WoNdErFuL Wednesday.


  4. What a great post!!! You deserve all of these awards. I have some cute note cards available for Thank yous but no time to complete them. I will send them to you with my list of peeps they are for. =)

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  5. I think it's great that you linked up with everyone that nominated you for those awards! You are sweet to play along!


    Apples and ABC's

  6. Awwwwwwwwww THANK YOU! You'll always have a special piece of my teacher-blogging heart since I am pretty sure you were roughly my first follower and comment writer! yayyyyyy

  7. You deserve each and every one of those awards. :) Congratulations!

    Teaching in Room 6

  8. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you sending some LOVE my way. I appreciate it so much. Can't wait to check out these other new blogs!

    Teaching Living History Blog


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