I am honored to have received this Award from:
Here's the truth: I have become quite attached to my BlogFriends! (Don't tell my "local" friends, but I have "postponed" (didn't seem nice to say "avoided" ) them more than once to chat and "listen" to you!)
So here are the answers to the requisite questions...
Favorite color: Purple (a healing color for me--physically or emotionally, purple often sets things right in my world. My classroom has plenty of purple. I even have purple shoes!)
Favorite animal: Sloth. Not kidding. My second favorite animal is a manatee. Notice a trend... Slow moving, kinda chubby, blissfully unaware... oh, OOPS, I forgot I was describing an animal...
Favorite number: 17 I started teaching in Room 17. Now I teach in B17. At least I don't get lost (At school. I am OFTEN lost everywhere else I go)
Favorite drinks: VentiMochaNoWhip at Starbucks. I say it as one word. But I really do WANT whip. (See answer to the question about favorite animal for rationale...)
Facebook or Twitter: I can barely answer my cell phone. Sometimes I need help from my kids to work the technology in my classroom. I've tried both. I'd rather eat ice cream.
My passion: Trying to invent new ways to motivate and teach sixth graders who don't always want to learn. I keep thinking that I will read enough, buy enough, find enough ideas (Thank you, Blog Friends!) to figure out the secret. I think I need to add blogging to my passion list too, because it makes me soooooo HAPPY!
Giving or receiving: Giving. Definitely. I feel awkward getting things. I'm always grateful, but I'm so graceless (and tardy) in expressing it. Giving is MUCH easier for me.
Favorite day: Saturdays. AHHHHHHHHH. Sleeping in. Big breakfasts. Extra coffee. No deadlines. DARN! I'm writing this on a MONDAY! BIG Sigh.
Now the nominating. This is difficult because the award has been passed around a few times. First, I would give it back to those who passed it on to me! (See paragraph two for some great places to visit! LINK UP!)
Then I would add... in no particular order...
The sun is setting here, but it's still warm. Sending warm thoughts to anyone who made it to the bottom of this post (and to those who made it partway too!)
Now... it's time for me to link up with some blogs to help me fill in the rest of my plan book for tomorrow! JOY!