I have been thinking about my Five for Friday post all week! And now I am typing it on SATURDAY! Ah, well, I'll just think of it as The Week in Review... and suggest that Friday had to be over so that I could include it in my post! (Okay, that's not really true since Friday was the same as all the other days this week, but my reasoning certainly sounded convincing...)
I have truly enjoyed Spring Break this year. Often, I travel or make a To Do list five miles long during the few days I get away from school. I didn't do that this year, and I'm glad. The break has seemed long and luxurious. I know I will be panicking on Monday morning (or Sunday night) about everything that did not get completed, but at this point, I feel rested and relaxed. Neither of those are familiar vocabulary words for me, so I am just enjoying their fleeting ascription.
If you know me at all, you can guess that one of these will be Starbucks and you won't be disappointed! So... what did I do this week?

Coffee! MMMmmmmmm. I do LOVE my coffee! It's scary how many pictures of coffee and coffee cups I have stored on my computer. And here's a new one! It's my warm weather favorite! Iced mocha with caramel drizzle. And then a little half and half that gradually mixes in. Oh. My. Goodness. That's one yummy concoction. I think Starbucks should borrow my recipe and call it Joyful Mocha. It certainly makes ME joyful!

Naps! Morning. Afternoon. Evening. There were naps. Lots of them! Some days I went back to sleep after I had only been up a few hours. Sometimes the room was warm and sunny and I was typing... and then I wasn't. I can't nap when I am stressed out by school and responsibilities. Clearly I was able to put those thoughts aside!
OhBoyOhBoyOhBoy. This is a new favorite of mine! I love many flavors of ice cream... but ice cream with a peaceful spin? My heart be still! And how's this for cool? When you eat all of the ice cream there are peace notes inside the container. It's like having some ice cream with John Lennon. "... Just give peace a chance..." (Did you sway a bit and sing along?) Did I mention that there are little tiny chocolate peace signs in there? I can't imagine an ice cream with a better message! And it's might tasty too!
Computer time! If I wasn't drinking coffee, eating ice cream or napping, I was tapping away at my computer. Actually, pounding away would be more accurate. When you don't know how to type, and you only use four fingers, it is hardly a gentle touch. It sounds like this Type! Type! Type! pause... look for punctuation keys... Type!
I chatted on facebook, exchanged e-mails with friends, wrote (SIX!) blog posts, bought twenty-seven (NOT kidding) items from TpT, and printed quite a few. There were linky parties (three) and blog hops (two). And then there were blogs to read, and comments to be left, and things to be pinned and... and... and then I had to eat ice cream and take another nap!
And for the record my bloggy background is purple not blue. And, yes, the cup DOES say Starbucks!
I did spend a little bit of time on school work. And I thought (and worried) about Common Core. When you have been teaching for more than three decades, it is scary to think that the whole world will be turned upside down for something new. I think there are many good things about Common Core... I just fear the "gap" that will exist as we scramble to find materials. And I fear the expectation that kids will arrive having mastered the Common Core standards from the previous year--especially in the first two or three years. I've been through this before. It will take time before the kids can catch up to the system.
One day this week (although I can't tell you which day!) I went to a training on Common Core standards in math. I gave up a day of bliss. It was more philosophy than strategy and I found myself thinking: Just tell me what to teach! They used an example of having seventh graders build a gingerbread house to measure surface area (could be good) and then having them fill the house with frosting to measure area (could be really bad). My OCD wouldn't let me get past cleaning up after 36 frosting-sticky gingerbread houses. I'm feeling lucky that the people from our math adoption are actually stepping in to correlate and supplement their math materials to match Common Core. I was impressed. And we had a great trainer--which made the time pass much more quickly!
Now I really need a flower that says "Negative 1" for the things I didn't do. Wait! I'll make one!
I was going to make the flower black, but that seemed too ominous, so I made it colorless to indicate the things that didn't make the list of things I wanted to accomplish...
I didn't clean the garage. And I didn't grade many papers. And I didn't do much of the "spring cleaning" you are supposed to do during Spring Break. I didn't read the professional books I set aside for this week (unless you count the first three pages of the one chosen because it had the cheeriest cover). I didn't start the healthy eating plan I should be following (did you SEE that ice cream?). But, for the most part, I didn't worry about what I didn't do, and, instead, enjoyed what I DID.
And that's what Spring Break is for. A BREAK. That falls during the spring. California provided warm, sunny weather and I am thankful for the time AWAY from, well, from everything!
Now, even though it is only Saturday, Doodle Bugs has over a hundred link-ups! So fill up your coffee cup and join us over there. Just click the link below!
If your Spring Break is over, I hope it was wonderful. If you are just beginning your Spring Break, I hope you have time to rest and relax and enjoy the word "Break." If you are a teacher or a mom, or, especially, a teacher-mom, a break is exactly what you need--and deserve...
PS Don't you just love those flowers? They're from Ashley Hughes and you can go check them out at TpT by clicking HERE.
Sounds like you had a fabulous...and restful...Spring Break. Just what it is supposed to be :) I didn't do any school work on mine either ;)
Teaching in Room 6
I didn't work over Spring Break either. I love the view from your computer! I went to STARBUCKS this week too - Frappuccino;) Here's a secret about iced coffee...McDonald's Vanilla Iced Coffee is a close 2nd to Starbucks and 1/2 the price;)
Kim, this had me cracking up :) I am just starting my spring break and I plan on doing just that...taking a break, just like you. Enjoy your last few moments of bliss!
Fun in Room 4B
hahahahaha!!!! I am laughing so hard over this! I just love the Negative 1 flower!! I would need several of those.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had a very relaxing spring break which I am so happy to hear...you deserve it! I hope you enjoy the weekend my friend :) :)
I am so glad you took a break! That is what mine was like this year. I understand what you mean about wanting the to just tell you what to teach!! My friend and I have been to a common core math/ela overview (8hrs), a 24 hour 6-8 common core math academy, and an 8 hr common corr ela conference this year. We have walked away from each one saying the same thing!! Tell us what to teach....they sure tell you what not to do anymore though. My son is in 1st grade and his teacher has taught using common core the past 2 yrs. I don't worry about him, I worry about my kiddos 5/6 grade...are they going to get lost in that changeover???
ReplyDeleteCaramel+Mocha = Genius! Why didn't I think of that??
Think, Wonder, & Teach
Your Spring Break sounds just like mine. Coffee, icecream, school work and napping!! Love your blog! :). I'm your newest follower! :)
ReplyDeleteBrandee Green
Creating Life Long Learners
sounds like a great week...that ice cream is on our shopping list! I'm with ya on the stressing over common core.....yikes, what is to come? at least you have some opportunities for training...we've had a bit for LA but it's all still such a mystery! haha! have a great Sunday!
ReplyDeleteYou know I don't even like coffee, but that one sounds delish! And I like you, so that what counts! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a relaxing spring break. I'm having a very relaxing Sunday especially since we weren't expecting rain, and that's what it has been doing for 4 hours now!!!!!! So instead of grading or planning I'm blog reading.......